Friday, June 17, 2011

soaking up the sun

there are so many things that i love about the summer and i decided to make a list. i've also decided that i'm really good at making lists. shopping lists. grocery lists. (yes, two different things- i have to write down things that i'm looking for when i go to the mall and to target so i don't let myself get too distracted and get a whole bunch of things that i really don't need/ can't afford), lists of movies i want to see, lists of boys i've kissed...that is one that no one needs to see and stays tucked away in a hidden place, lists of places i want to visit, or places that i've visited, even a list of lists. what can i say? i love them. i made a list of some things i want to do this summer- it looks like this:

Stuff to do this summer:

Park city- outlets 
See the spiral jetty
Camp in Moab
Go to Lake Powell
See the ocean
Ride bikes in the canyon
Hike to stewart falls
Ultimate Frisbee
Bonfire in the canyon
Concert Series- Salt Lake
June 3- Mindy Gledhill- Rooftop Concert Series
August 5- Joshua James- Rooftop Concert Series
Picnic in Rock Canyon Park

unfortunately the part about riding bikes in the canyon won't be able to happen. at least for a while. you see, sometimes people are really selfish and think- "hey that's the cutest locked up beach cruiser i've ever seen, i think i'll get my metal cutters and cut the lock off it and keep it for myself." seriously. hate it so much. i miss that beautiful thing. there were so many great summer bike rides had on that thing. 

also. missed mindy gledhill. i got there right as the second girl started and missed every. single. song. from mindy. it's fine. but i L.O.V.E. her music. yep. obsessed. 

there are a few things that i've been thinking that i love right now. things that have made my summer twenty eleven so far. so here it goes.

i love getting to spend two whole weeks with the cutest (i'm not biased) little girl in the entire world, as well as time with my amazing sister who i admire and aspire to be like each day.
i love eating otter pops at all times of the day or night, but especially when sitting by the pool with my friends..
i love the fact that my friends and i are all going back to our middle school/ high school days and got season passes to seven peaks (water park) and trafalga for endless days of fun in the sun and unlimited batting cages, go karts, laser tag and mini golf. so great. 
i like so much that i have this cute boyfriend that will put aloe vera on my arms all night after spending five hours at the water park without sunscreen. 
i love bbq's with my aunts and uncles and cousins. holy smokes. they're all amazing. love them.
i love getting to see my cousin graduate from high school and spending the day with him and his family and our grandparents.
i loved that i got to spend two weekends in a row at my parents house in boise. 
i loved going to my parents cabin and playing card games and finally beating my little sister at skip-bo. it never happens. ever. it was momentous.
i love having bon fires in the canyon that get shut down by the cops. because apparently there is a 10:30 curfew. on a friday. in a campground. 
i love movie nights that start at 1 am. (mom, pretend like you were back in college)
i love tennis mornings.
i love provo bakery donuts for breakfast.
i love going to pilates with my roomie and laughing so hard at the ridiculous things the teacher has us do.
i love walking bare foot outside, looking for the lunar eclipse that was happening behind the clouds..
i love going to every pawn shop on center street looking for a bike/ my bike. 
i love eating sour patch kids. addicted. seriously.
i love playing frisbee at midnight and accidentally hitting people's windows...
i love being at dance parties that are outside that also get shut down by cops. thank you provo police department for being part of so many things on my list of summer activities. 
i love random trips to wally world. looking at every aisle and riding the awesome tricycle that was just my size.
i love finding six dollar sandals at forever twentyone and wearing them every day.
i love spending hours at the library finding just the right book to read.
i love quoting movies and stupid things people say. my friend asked what day cinco de mayo was. 
i love the phrase, "bless (his/her) heart." you can pretty much say whatever you want and then bless their heart and it makes it a little better. people catch on quick though. 
i love getting to hold a precious newborn baby girl. evie tia teeples. you are beautiful. i love you. i'm glad you joined our family. if i could hold you all the time i would. 
i love getting to play my keyboard everyday and getting so good at playing waterfall. thank you jon schmidt for bringing that beautiful song into my life.

i wish i had taken more pictures of all of these events but you catch my drift.
 basically life is amazing so far with no plans of the fun stopping anytime soon. 
i'm the luckiest. i think that every single day.
 i have amazing friends and family that i surround myself. 
its the same every time.
 i realize i could not ask for a better life nor would i ever want anything different that what i've got.